export PW=`cat password`
# Create a self signed key pair root CA certificate.
keytool -genkeypair -v \
-alias testca \
-dname "CN=testca, OU=Dev, O=inBay, L=Ottawa, ST=ON, C=CA" \
-keystore testca.jks \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keyalg RSA \
-keysize 4096 \
-ext KeyUsage:critical="keyCertSign" \
-ext BasicConstraints:critical="ca:true" \
-validity 9999
# Export the exampleCA public certificate
keytool -export -v \
-alias testca \
-file testca.crt \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keystore testca.jks \
# Create a server certificate,
keytool -genkeypair -v \
-alias localhost \
-dname "CN=, OU=Dev, O=inBay, L=Ottawa, ST=ON, C=CA" \
-keystore localhost.jks \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keyalg RSA \
-keysize 2048 \
-validity 3650
# Create a certificate signing request
keytool -certreq -v \
-alias localhost \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keystore localhost.jks \
-file localhost.csr
# Tell testca to sign the localhost certificate. Note the extension is on the request, not the
# original certificate.
# Technically, keyUsage should be digitalSignature for DHE or ECDHE, keyEncipherment for RSA.
keytool -gencert -v \
-alias testca \
-keypass:env PW \
-storepass:env PW \
-keystore testca.jks \
-infile localhost.csr \
-outfile localhost.crt \
-ext KeyUsage:critical="digitalSignature,keyEncipherment" \
-ext EKU="serverAuth" \
# Tell localhost.jks it can trust testca as a signer.
keytool -import -v \
-alias testca \
-file testca.crt \
-keystore localhost.jks \
-storetype JKS \
-storepass:env PW << EOF
# Import the signed certificate back into localhost.jks
keytool -import -v \
-alias localhost \
-file localhost.crt \
-keystore localhost.jks \
-storetype JKS \
-storepass:env PW
# List out the contents of localhost.jks just to confirm it.
# If you are using Play as a TLS termination point, this is the key store you should present as the server.
keytool -list -v \
-keystore localhost.jks \
-storepass:env PW
#First export key
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore localhost.jks -destkeystore keystore.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12
#For apache ssl certificate file you need certificate only
openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nokeys -out localserver.crt
#or ssl key file you need only keys
openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.p12 -nocerts -nodes -out localserver.key
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